Аналитический метод изучения грамматики эсперанто.
Все познается в сравненииKomparoj sciigas.
Сравните произношение схожих слов в предложениях на разных языках и определите, к какому языку ближе эсперанто:
English - английский язык:
My friend has a beautiful blue bicycle.приблизительное разговорное произношение :[майфрэнд хазэ бьютифл блюбайсикл]
Français - французский язык: Mon ami a une magnifique bicyclette bleue.
[монами аюнманьифик бисиклетблё]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Mein Freund hat ein schönes blaues Fahrrad.
[майнфройнт хатайн шёнэс блауэс фаррат]
Русский язык (Russian. Le russe. Russisch. Il russo. El ruso. La rusa lingvo): У моего друга есть великолепный синий велосипед.
Italiano - итальянский язык:
Il mio amico ha una bella bicicletta blu.
[ильмиоамико аунабэлля бичиклэта блю]
Español - испанский язык: Mi amigo tiene una linda bicicleta azul.
[миамиго тьенэ уналинда бисиклета ассуль]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Mia amiko havas belan bluan bicikleton.[миа амико хавас бэлан блуан бициклэтон]
English - английский язык: This is a picture of my mother.
[зисизэ пикчэров маймазэ]
Français - французский язык: C'est une photo de ma mère.
[сэтюнфото дёмамэр]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Das ist ein Foto meiner Mutter.
[дасист айнфото майнэр муттэр]
Русский язык: Это фотография моей мамы.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Questa è una foto di mia mamma.
[куэстоэ унафото димиамамма]
Español - испанский язык: Es una fotografía de mi madre.
[эсуна фотографиа дэмимадрэ]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Ĝi estas foto de mia patrino.[джиэстас фото дэ миа патрино]
English - английский язык: She writes her letters on yellow paper.
[ширайтс хёлетэ онъйелоу пэйпэ]
Français - французский язык: Elle écrit ses lettres sur du papier jaune.
[элекри сэлетр сюрдюпапьежон]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Sie schreibt ihre Briefe auf gelbes Papier.
[зишрайпт ирэбрифэ ауфгэльбэс папир]
Русский язык: Она пишет письма на желтой бумаге.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Scrive le sue lettere su dei fogli gialli.
[скривэ лесуэлеттэрэ судэйфольи джалли]
Español - испанский язык: Escribe sus cartas sobre papel amarillo.
[эскривэ сускартас собрэпапэль амарильо]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Ŝi skribas siajn leterojn sur flava papero.[шискрибас сиайн лэтэройн сурфлава папэро]
English - английский язык: I never play ball in the street.
[айнэвэ плэйболл инзэстрит]
Français - французский язык: Je ne joue jamais au ballon dans la rue.
[жёнёжужамэ обалон данларю]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Ich spiele nie Ball auf der Strasse.
[ихшпиле нибаль ауфдэрштрассэ]
Русский язык: Я никогда не играю в мяч на улице.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Non gioco mai a pallone per la strada.
[нонджокомай апаллонэ пэрластрада]
Español - испанский язык: Nunca juego a la pelota en la calle.
[нунка хуэго алапэлота энлакалье]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Mi neniam ludas pilkon sur la strato.
[минэниам людас пилькон сур ластрато]
English - английский язык: This bag is too heavy for mi.
[зисбягиз тухэви фоми ]
Français - французский язык: Ce sac est trop lourd pour moi.
[сёсакэтролур пурмуа ]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Diese Tasche ist zu schwer für mich.
[дизэташэ изцушвэр фюрмих ]
Русский язык: Эта сумка слишком тяжела для меня.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Questa borsa è troppo pesante per me.
[куэстаборса этроппопэзантэ пэрмэ ]
Español - испанский язык: Esta bolsa es demasiado pesada para mí.
[эстабольса эсдэмасьядо пэсада парами ]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Ĉi sako estas tro peza por mi.[чисако эстас тропэза пор ми]
English - английский язык: Our baker sells very good cakes.
[ауэбэйкэ сэлз вэригудкэйкс ]
Français - французский язык: Notre boulanger vend de très bons gâteaux.
[нотрбуланже вандётрэбон гато ]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Unser Bäcker verkauft sehr gute Kuchen.
[унзэрбэкэр фэркауфт зэргутэкухэн ]
Русский язык: Наш булочник продает очень вкусные пирожные.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Il nostro fornaio vende dei pasticcini molto buoni.
[ильнострофорнайо вэндэ дэйпастиччини мольтобуони ]
Español - испанский язык: Nuestro panadero vende riquísimos pasteles.
[нуэстропанадэро бэндэ рикисимос пастэлес ]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Nia bakisto vendas dolĉegajn tortetojn.[ниабакисто вэндас дольчэгайн тортэтойн ]
English - английский язык: It's my father's clock, you know.
[ицмайфазэсклок юноу ]
Français - французский язык: C'est l'horloge de mon père, tu sais.
[сэлорлож дёмонпэр тюсэ]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Das ist die Uhr meines Vaters, weisst du.
[дасисдиур майнэсфатэрс вайсду ]
Русский язык: Знаешь, это часы моего отца.
Italiano - итальянский язык: È l'orologio di mio padre, sà.
[э лоролоджо димиопадрэ са ]
Español - испанский язык: Es el reloj de mi padre, ¿sabes?
[эсэльрэлох дэмипадрэ савэс]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Sciu, ĝi estas horloĝo de mia patro.[сциу джиэстас хорлоджо дэмиа патро ]
English - английский язык: Look! There are two cows in the middle of the garden!
[лук зэратукоуз инзэмидл овзэгадн]
Français - французский язык: Regarde! Il y a deux vaches au milieu du jardin!
[рёгард ильядёваш омильё дюжардэн]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Schau! Da sind zwei Kühe mitten im Garten!
[шау дазин цвайкюэ митэнимгартн]
Русский язык: Смотри, две коровы посреди сада!
Italiano - итальянский язык: Guarda! Ci sono due mucche in mezzo al giardino![гуарда чисоно дуэмуккэ инмэццо альджардино]
Español - испанский язык: ¡Mira! ¡Hay dos vacas en el medio del jardín!
[мира айдосбакас энэльмэдьо дэльхардин]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Vidu, estas du bovinoj meze de la ĝardeno.
[виду эстас дубовиной мэзэ дэ ладжардэно ]
English - английский язык: I don't want any cream with my coffee.
[айдоунт уонт эникрим уизмайкофи]
Français - французский язык: Je ne veux pas de crème dans mon café.
[жёнёвёпа дёкрэм данмонкяфэ]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Ich möchte keine Sahne in meinen Kaffee.
[ихмёхтэ кайнэзанэ инмайнэн кафээ]
Русский язык: Я не хочу сливок в моем кофе.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Non voglio crema di latte nel mio café.
[нонвольо крэмадилаттэ нэльмиокафэ]
Español - испанский язык: No quiero nata en mi café.
[нокьероната энмикафэ]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Mi ne volas kremon en mia kafo.[минэволас крэмон энмиа кафо]
English - английский язык: His dentist never hurts him.[хиздэнтист нэвэ хёцхим]
Français - французский язык: Son dentiste ne lui fait jamais mal.
[сондантист нёльвифэ жамэмаль]
Deutsch - немецкий язык: Sein Zahnarzt tut ihm nie weh.
[зайнцанарц тутим ни вэ]
Русский язык: Его зубной врач никогда не причиняет ему боль.
Italiano - итальянский язык: Il suo dentista non gli fa mai male.
[ильсуо дэнтиста нонльифа маймале]
Español - испанский язык: Su dentista nunca le hace daño.
[судэнтиста нунка леасэданьо]
Esperanto - эсперанто: Lia dentisto neniam dolorigas al li.[лиадэнтисто нэниам долоригас альли]
Kaj nun ni povas reveni al plistudi esperantonА теперь мы можем вернуться к дальнейшему освоению эсперанто
Eperanto-rusa frazaroЭсперанто-русский разговорник
Komunuzaj vortoj kaj frazojОбиходные слова и фразы.
Salutado - Приветствие
- Bonan matenon!
[бонан матэнон]- Здравствуйте, Доброе утро!
- Bonan tagon!
[бонан тагон]
- Здравствуйте, Добрый день!
- Bonan vesperon!
[бонан вэспэрон]
- Здравствуйте, Добрый вечер!
- Saluton!
- Привет!
- Kiel vi fartas?
[киэль вифартас]- Как поживаете?
- Kiel iras la aferoj?
[киэль ирас ляафэрой]- Как (идут) дела?
- Bone, dankon!
[бонэ данкон]- Спасибо, хорошо!
- Ne malbone.
[нэмальбонэ]- Неплохо.
- Ĉio estas bone.
[чиоэстас бонэ]- Всё хорошо.
- Ĉio estas en ordo.
[чиоэстас энордо]- Всё в порядке.
- Tre bone.
[трэбонэ]- Очень хорошо.
- Iel-tiel.
[иэль тиэль]- Так себе; понемногу.
- Ĝis revido!
[джисрэвидо]- До свидания!
- Ĝis!
[джис]- Пока!
- Ĝis baldaŭ!
[джисбальдау]- До скорой встречи!
- Ĝis morgaŭ!
[джисморгау]- До завтра!
- Ĉion bonan!
[чион бонан]- Всего доброго!
Lernu Esperanton dum junplenas vi - iam en maljuno taŭgos ĝi malpli!
[лерну эспэрантон думъюнпленас ви иам энмальюно таугосджи мальпли]
Tra paĝoj de la ret-revuo
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Новости Эсперантоландии Sendu vian mesaĝon al nia retpoŝto:
Что бы мы не делали, но без хорошего знания английского в международном общении - дело наше "швах!" Придется нам заняться немножко и английским , дабы не отстать от современных тенденций.
Вот здесь вам и словарик англо-английский может сгодиться. Пользуйтесь, товарищи-комрады, ради нашего обще-пролетарского дела в укреплении дружбы американо-российских народов!
Hi people! Do you like to study with us the english words? Well, let's go!
A- (prep.) In
Able - (a.) To make able
- (superl.) Fit
About - (adv.) Here and there
- (prep.) Around
Above - (adv.) Earlier in order
- (prep.) Figuratively, higher than
Abruptly - (adv.) In an abrupt manner
Absorbedly - (adv.) In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged.
Account - (n.) An estimate or estimation
- (v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason
- (v. t.) To place to one's account
Accusingly - (adv.) In an accusing manner.
Ace - (n.) A single point won by a stroke, as in handball, rackets, etc.
Ache - (n.) A name given to several species of plants
- (v. i.) Continued pain, as distinguished from sudden twinges, or spasmodic pain. "Such an ache in my bones
Across - (adv.) From side to side
- (n.) From side to side
Act - (n.) A formal solemn writing, expressing that something has been done.
- (v. i.) To behave or conduct, as in morals, private duties, or public offices
- (v. t.) To assume the office or character of
Action - (n.) An act
Advance - (a.) Before in place, or beforehand in time
- (v.) A furnishing of something before an equivalent is received (as money or goods), towards a capital or stock, or on loan
- (v. i.) To increase or make progress in any respect
- (v. t.) To accelerate the growth or progress
Advantage - (n.) Any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end
- (v. t.) To give an advantage to
After - (a.) Hinder
- (adv.) Subsequently in time or place
- (prep.) According to
Again - (adv.) Another time
Ageless - (a.) Without old age limits of duration
Ago - (a. & adv.) Past
Ahead - (adv.) Headlong
Ai - (n.) The three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) of South America.
Air - (n.) Air in motion
Alarm - (n.) A mechanical contrivance for awaking persons from sleep, or rousing their attention
- (v. t.) To call to arms for defense
Alfalfa - (n.) The lucern (Medicago sativa)
Alive - (a.) Exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings
All - (a.) Any.
- (adv.) Even
- (conj.) Although
- (n.) The whole number, quantity, or amount
Almost - (adv.) Nearly
Alone - (a.) Hence
- (adv.) Solely
Along - (adv.) By the length
- (prep.) By the length of, as distinguished from across.
Aloof - (adv.) At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance
- (prep.) Away from
Already - (adv.) Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future
Also - (adv. & conj.) Even as
Although - (conj.) Grant all this
Always - (adv.) At all times
American - (a.) Of or pertaining to America
- (n.) A native of America
An - (conj.) If
Ancient - (a.) Dignified, like an aged man
- (n.) An aged man
And - (conj.) A particle which expresses the relation of connection or addition. It is used to conjoin a word with a word, a clause with a clause, or a sentence with a sentence
Anger - (n.) A strong passion or emotion of displeasure or antagonism, excited by a real or supposed injury or insult to one's self or others, or by the intent to do such injury
- (v. t.) To excite to anger
Angrily - (adv.) In an angry manner
Angry - (superl.) Inflamed and painful, as a sore.
Another - (pron. & a.) Any or some
Answer - (n.) A counter-statement of facts in a course of pleadings
- (v. i.) To be opposite, or to act in opposition.
Any - (a. & pron.) One indifferently, out of an indefinite number
- (adv.) To any extent
Anybody - (n.) Any one out of an indefinite number of persons
Anything - (adv.) In any measure
- (n.) Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever
Anyways - (adv.) Anywise
Apologetically - (adv.) By way of apology.
Apple - (n.) Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple
- (v. i.) To grow like an apple
Appreciation - (n.) Accurate perception
Apprehension - (n.) Anticipation, mostly of things unfavorable
Apprehensive - (a.) Anticipative of something unfavorable' fearful of what may be coming
Approaching - (n.) The act of ingrafting a sprig or shoot of one tree into another, without cutting it from the parent stock
Approval - (n.) Approbation
Apron - (n.) A flooring of plank before a dam to cause the water to make a gradual descent.
Arch - (a.) Chief
- (n.) A chief.
- (v. i.) To form into an arch
- (v. t.) To cover with an arch or arches.
Are - (n.) The unit of superficial measure, being a square of which each side is ten meters in length
Arm - (n.) A branch of a tree.
- (v. i.) To provide one's self with arms, weapons, or means of attack or resistance
Arms - (n.) Anything which a man takes in his hand in anger, to strike or assault another with
Arose - (imp.) of Arise
Around - (adv.) In a circle
- (prep.) From one part to another of
Arouse - (v. t.) To excite to action from a state of rest
As - (adv. & conj.) As if
- (n.) An ace.
Ash - (n.) A genus of trees of the Olive family, having opposite pinnate leaves, many of the species furnishing valuable timber, as the European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and the white ash (F
- (v. t.) To strew or sprinkle with ashes.
Ashamedly - (adv.) Bashfully.
Ashes - (n. pl.) Specifically: The remains of the human body when burnt, or when "returned to dust" by natural decay
Ask - (n.) A water newt.
- (v. i.) To make inquiry, or seek by request
- (v. t.) To interrogate or inquire of or concerning
Asleep - (a. & adv.) In a state of sleep
At - (prep.) A relation of proximity to, or of presence in or on, something
Ate - (imp.) of Eat
- (n.) The goddess of mischievous folly
Attack - (n.) An access of disease
- (v. i.) To make an onset or attack.
- (v. t.) To assail with unfriendly speech or writing
Attempt - (n.) A essay, trial, or endeavor
- (v. i.) To make an attempt
- (v. t.) To attack
Attention - (n.) An act of civility or courtesy
Attract - (n.) Attraction.
- (v. t.) To draw by influence of a moral or emotional kind
Auburn - (a.) Flaxen-colored.
Aunt - (n.) A bawd, or a prostitute.
Authority - (n.) A book containing such a statement or opinion, or the author of the book.
Automatically - (adv.) In an automatic manner.
Averted - (a.) Turned away, esp. as an expression of feeling
Away - (adv.) Absent
Awful - (a.) Frightful
Baby - (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, an infant
- (n.) An infant or young child of either sex
- (v. i.) To treat like a young child
Back - (a.) Being at the back or in the rear
- (adv.) (Of time) In times past
- (n.) A ferryboat.
- (v. i.) To adjoin behind
Bacon - (n.) The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked
Bad - (imp.) Bade.
- (superl.) Wanting good qualities, whether physical or moral
Bag - (n.) A certain quantity of a commodity, such as it is customary to carry to market in a sack
- (v. i.) To become pregnant.
- (v. t.) To furnish or load with a bag or with a well filled bag.
Bait - (v. i.) A light or hasty luncheon.
- (v. t.) To furnish or cover with bait, as a trap or hook.
Bald - (a.) Destitute of a beard or awn
Bale - (n.) A bundle or package of goods in a cloth cover, and corded for storage or transportation
Ball - (n.) A flaming, roundish body shot into the air
- (v. i.) To gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay
- (v. t.) To form or wind into a ball
Ban - (n.) A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service
- (v. i.) To curse
- (v. t.) To curse
Bank - (n.) A bench, as for rowers in a galley
- (v. i.) To deposit money in a bank
- (v. t.) To deposit in a bank.
Bar - (n.) A bank of sand, gravel, or other matter, esp. at the mouth of a river or harbor, obstructing navigation
Barely - (adv.) But just
Barley - (n.) A valuable grain, of the family of grasses, genus Hordeum, used for food, and for making malt, from which are prepared beer, ale, and whisky
Barn - (n.) A child.
- (v. t.) To lay up in a barn.
Barrel - (n.) A jar.
- (v. t.) To put or to pack in a barrel or barrels.
Baseball - (n.) A game of ball, so called from the bases or bounds ( four in number) which designate the circuit which each player must endeavor to make after striking the ball
Bastard - (a.) Begotten and born out of lawful matrimony
- (n.) A "natural" child
- (v. t.) To bastardize.
Be - (v. i.) To exist actually, or in the world of fact
Beak - (n.) A beam, shod or armed at the end with a metal head or point, and projecting from the prow of an ancient galley, in order to pierce the vessel of an enemy
Beam - (n.) A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving
- (v. i.) To emit beams of light.
- (v. t.) To send forth
Bean - (n.) A name given to the seed of certain leguminous herbs, chiefly of the genera Faba, Phaseolus, and Dolichos
Bear - (n.) A bier.
- (v. i.) To be situated, as to the point of compass, with respect to something else
- (v. t.) To admit or be capable of
Beat - (a.) Weary
- (imp.) of Beat
- (n.) A recurring stroke
- (p. p.) of Beat
- (v. i.) A cheat or swindler of the lowest grade
- (v. t.) To cheat
Beauty - (n.) A beautiful person, esp. a beautiful woman.
Became - (imp.) of Become
Because - (conj.) By or for the cause that
Become - (p. p.) of Become
- (v. i.) To come
- (v. t.) To suit or be suitable to
Bed - (n.) (Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage.
- (v. i.) To go to bed
- (v. t.) To dress or prepare the surface of stone) so as to serve as a bed.
Bedding - (n.) A bed and its furniture
Been - (p. p.) of Be
Before - (adv.) Earlier
- (prep.) An advance of
Began - (imp. & p. p.) of Begin
Behind - (a.) Left a distance by, in progress of improvement Hence: Inferior to in dignity, rank, knowledge, or excellence, or in any achievement
- (adv.) After the departure of another
- (n.) The backside
Being - (adv.) Since
- (n.) An abode
- (p. pr.) Existing.
Believe - (n.) To exercise belief in
- (v. i.) To have a firm persuasion, esp. of the truths of religion
Belligerently - (adv.) In a belligerent manner
Belly - (n.) That part of the human body which extends downward from the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels, or intestines
- (v. i.) To swell and become protuberant, like the belly
- (v. t.) To cause to swell out
Belong - (v. i.) To be a part of, or connected with
- (v. t.) To be deserved by.
Belt - (n.) A band of leather, or other flexible substance, passing around two wheels, and communicating motion from one to the other
- (v. t.) To encircle with, or as with, a belt
Bench - (n.) A collection or group of dogs exhibited to the public
- (v. i.) To sit on a seat of justice.
- (v. t.) To furnish with benches.
Bent - (a. & p. p.) Changed by pressure so as to be no longer straight
- (n.) A grass of the genus Agrostis, esp. Agrostis vulgaris, or redtop. The name is also used of many other grasses, esp
- (v.) A declivity or slope, as of a hill.
Bere - (n.) Barley
- (v. t.) To pierce.
Berry - (n.) A mound
- (v. i.) To bear or produce berries.
Beside - (adv.) More than that
- (n.) Aside from
Best - (a.) Having good qualities in the highest degree
- (n.) Utmost
- (superl.) In the highest degree
- (v. t.) To get the better of.
Bet - (a. & adv.) An early form of Better.
- (imp. & p. p.) of Bet
- (n.) That which is laid, staked, or pledged, as between two parties, upon the event of a contest or any contingent issue
- (v. t.) To stake or pledge upon the event of a contingent issue
Better - (a.) Greater in amount
- (compar.) In a higher or greater degree
- (n.) Advantage, superiority, or victory
- (v. i.) To become better
Between - (n.) Intermediate time or space
- (prep.) Belonging in common to two
Bewildered - (a.) Greatly perplexed
Beyond - (adv.) Further away
- (prep.) At a place or time not yet reached
Big - (superl.) Great with young
Biggest - (a.) superl. of Big.
Bill - (n.) A beak, as of a bird, or sometimes of a turtle or other animal.
- (v. i.) To join bills, as doves
- (v. t.) To advertise by a bill or public notice.
Bind - (n.) A ligature or tie for grouping notes.
- (v. i.) To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.
Bird - (n.) A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate provided with wings.
- (v. i.) Hence: To seek for game or plunder
Bit - (imp.) of Bite
- (n.) In the British West Indies, a fourpenny piece, or groat.
- (v.) A part of anything, such as may be bitten off or taken into the mouth
- (v. t.) To put a bridle upon
Bitch - (n.) An opprobrious name for a woman, especially a lewd woman.
Bite - (v.) A blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and paper
- (v. i.) To cause a smarting sensation
- (v. t.) To cause sharp pain, or smarting, to